Substitute Teachers are needed at all Warren County schools.

At the MSD of Warren County, we are always looking for good substitute teachers and would be glad to add you to the list.


To be a substitute teacher in the MSD of Warren County, three things are needed:

1.     District substitute application, available on our website


2.     Background Check through Safe Hiring Solutions, the link is on our website


                  *Be advised- there are two steps to the Background Check process. 

                   The first piece is done during the initial registration.  An email will be sent for the

                   second step which is the Indiana Department of Child Services piece. 

                   Please look for that email to complete the process.

3.     Substitute Teacher’s License (OR a VALID and CURRENT Indiana teaching license)

                  Apply through the Indiana Department Of Education licensing page (LVIS)

                  Create an account and register to sub in Warren County for verification:  


Employment paperwork- taxes, etc. are also involved but can be submitted once substitute teaching begins. Pay is determined by level of college attained and experience with us but begins at $55.00 per day.

If you have any questions, please call at 765-762-3364.